Majorityrights News > Category: That Question Again

America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars: We don’t need their war with Iran

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 20 September 2017 15:20.

Unz Review, “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars”, 19 Sept 2017:

by Philip Giraldi

Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?

I spoke recently at a conference on America’s war party where afterwards an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked, “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has mentioned Israel in this conference and we all know it’s American Jews with all their money and power who are supporting every war in the Middle East for Netanyahu? Shouldn’t we start calling them out and not letting them get away with it?”

It was a question combined with a comment that I have heard many times before and my answer is always the same: any organization that aspires to be heard on foreign policy knows that to touch the live wire of Israel and American Jews guarantees a quick trip to obscurity. Jewish groups and deep pocket individual donors not only control the politicians, they own and run the media and entertainment industries, meaning that no one will hear about or from the offending party ever again. They are particularly sensitive on the issue of so-called “dual loyalty,” particularly as the expression itself is a bit of a sham since it is pretty clear that some of them only have real loyalty to Israel.

Most recently, some pundits, including myself, have been warning of an impending war with Iran. To be sure, the urging to strike Iran comes from many quarters, to include generals in the Administration who always think first in terms of settling problems through force, from a Saudi government obsessed with fear over Iranian hegemony, and, of course, from Israel itself. But what makes the war engine run is provided by American Jews who have taken upon themselves the onerous task of starting a war with a country that does not conceivably threaten the United States. They have been very successful at faking the Iranian threat, so much so that nearly all Republican and most Democratic congressmen as well as much of the media seem to be convinced that Iran needs to be dealt with firmly, most definitely by using the U.S. military, and the sooner the better.


US opens first permanent military base in Israel

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 September 2017 18:19.

The US has now opened its first base inside Israel; meaning that US soldiers now will be in there and thus bound to it in a way that historically did not exist prior to this moment. No longer a satrap, it will be a ready base of operations prefigured for joint US/Israeli retaliation and deployment - markedly for operations against Iran at this point.

MSN, “US opens first permanent military base in Israel”, 19 Sept 2017:

Israel and U.S. officials on Monday inaugurated the first permanent American military base in the country, which will house dozens of U.S. troops and a missile defense system.

The base will be located within the Israel Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near Beersheba, Defense News reported.

The facility will include a barracks and several other buildings for U.S. troops to be stationed in the country, as well as systems to identify and intercept various aerial threats. It will operate under Israeli military directives.

“We inaugurated, with our partners from the United States Army, an American base, for the first time in Israel,” Brigadier General Tzvika Heimowitz, head of Israeli missile defences, told journalists. “An American flag is flying permanently over a US army base situated inside one of our bases.”  (Tsafrir Abayov/Associated Press)

Israeli Air Force Brigadier General Zvika Haimovich said the base is largely to serve as “a joint Israeli and American effort to sustain and enhance our defensive capabilities,” and will not bring operational changes such as training or exercises.

“It’s a message that says Israel is better prepared. It’s a message that says Israel is improving the response to threats,” Haimovich, the commander of Israel’s aerial defense, told Associated Press.

The Pentagon already operates an independent facility nearby in the Negev Desert. The facility is used only by The US and is meant to detect and warn of a possible ballistic missile attack from Iran.

Israel has been increasingly concerned with Iran’s development of long-range missiles and considers the country to be its greatest threat.

Jez Turner - Honour our Heroes

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 September 2017 10:04.

      * Please feel free to forward or pass on to other nationalists *

The 2017 Annual John Tyndall Memorial Meeting

Friday 6th October, 2017

Preston - Lancashire. 1pm – 6pm

Keith Axon: Meeting Chairman: - Longstanding friend of JT, former NF and BNP organiser

Speakers include (in alphabetical order):

Benny Bullman
: - lead singer of the Blood & honour band Whitelaw, and longstanding British Movement activist

Mark Collett
: - former Young BNP organizer, twice acquitted on ‘race-hate’ charges and author of Decline of Western Man

Richard Edmonds
: - Longstanding friend of JT, National Front directorate member activist - former BNP national organiser

Stephen Frost: - National secretary of the British Movement and author of the Colin Jordan biography ‘TWAS A GOOD FIGHT’!

Julie Lake: - former BNP organiser, now National Front & South West Forum organiser

Dr. James Lewthwaite: - former Bradford City Councillor, archaeology lecturer, organiser for the British Democrats and Orangeman

Eddy Morrison: - Longstanding White nationalist, former NF, BNP and WNP organiser – now editor of the online newsletter White Voice

Peter Rushton: - Assistant editor of Heritage and Destiny magazine & Russia Today and Press TV commentator

Jez Turner: – former soldier, Arabic & Pashtun translator, & now chairman of The London Forum


A key reason Islam imposed on ethnonationals is comprador utility to right-wingers: Trump/Razak

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 September 2017 07:42.

The YKW and right wing collude with Islam.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is the comprador of compradors.

In what is going on a decade of the got-up (((paleoconservatism)) of the (((“alt-right”))), one of the key reasons its Jewish conception has fashioned “the left” as the grand-enemy is because left nationalism, its syndicalism, is a grand adversary of Abrahamism - especially the Islamic variant, a universalizing credo which prohibits ethnonational unionizations. Islam, as instituted by comprador imams, functions thereby as feudalist thuggery on behalf of Jewry and complicit right wingers - who make deals with the Islamic comprador (a middleman slave driver/enforcer upon the local population, killing them where they interfere) to exploit the labor and resources of would-be sovereign ethnostates.

Reuters, “Trump, Malaysia’s Najib skirt round U.S. probe into 1MDB scandal”, 12 Sept 2017:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to the White House on Tuesday, praising his country for investing in the United States while steering clear of an American investigation into a Malaysian corruption scandal.

The visit is important for Najib, who faces elections next year and wants to signal he is still welcome at the White House despite a criminal probe by the U.S. Justice Department into a state fund called 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Flanked by top advisers in the Cabinet Room, Najib told Trump that Malaysia Airlines would buy 25 Boeing 737 jets and eight 787 Dreamliners, and would probably add another 25 737s in the near future - a deal he said would be worth more than $10 billion within five years.

Najib said Malaysia’s Employees Provident Fund, a major pension fund, wanted to spend $3 billion to $4 billion on U.S. infrastructure development.

Najib enjoyed close ties with Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, playing golf in Hawaii in 2014, but relations cooled over human rights issues as well as the 1MDB scandal.

Najib founded the fund, which is facing money laundering probes in at least six countries including the United States, Switzerland and Singapore. He denies wrongdoing.

The U.S. Justice Department has said more than $4.5 billion was misappropriated from 1MDB by high-level officials of the fund and their associates, according to dozens of civil lawsuits it filed last year.

The Justice Department sued to seize some $1.7 billion in assets it said were bought with misappropriated 1MDB funds, but asked for a stay on its civil lawsuits in August because it was conducting a related criminal probe.

The White House had said it would not comment on the Justice Department investigation but a senior U.S. official acknowledged it was unusual to meet with Najib while 1MDB was under regulatory scrutiny.

“It’s a weird situation, no doubt,” the official said, explaining that the administration has prioritized developing relations with Southeast Asia to counter “huge gains” China has made in the region.

Blacks riot for a week in St. Louis after White officer acquitted in self defense

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 September 2017 07:17.

Black advocate Cornell West along with other blacks confronting the St. Louis Police Department

A week of riots have ensued in Saint Louis after police officer Jason Stockley was acquitted of murder charges in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith.

Anthony Lamar Smith, a black inner city heroine dealer, was on parole after having already served a prison sentence on drugs and weapons charges.

Rolling Stone: On December 20th, 2011, Stockley and his partner, Brian Bianchi, stopped to question Anthony Lamar Smith and another man they suspected of dealing drugs at a North St. Louis Church’s Fried Chicken. As the policemen approached Smith’s Buick, Smith abruptly drove forward into the building before throwing the car in reverse, hitting the police vehicle twice. Stockley testified during trial that he heard Bianchi shout “gun.” Stockley fired several shots at the fleeing car before both men returned to their police car.

After resisting arrest and ramming the police car, Smith then led Stockley and Bianchi on a dangerous, high speed car chase, nearing 90 mph and obviously putting lives at risk.

In the heat of the chase Stockley was heard on his squad car recording shouting,

        “We’re going to kill this motherfucker, don’t you know it.”

As a known heroine dealer and a parolee, Smith was facing a lengthy jail sentence if apprehended - he obviously would not want to go to jail again; after the high speed chase, his additional deadly resistance was likely to follow.

Former St. Louis city police officer Jason Stockley, center, arrives with his legal team on August 1st. Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP

Ibid. The chase lasted three minutes and wound through city streets, with the vehicles travelling at speeds of above 80 miles per hour. Audio and video from the police car is garbled throughout, yet Stockley at one point audibly says “we’re going to kill this motherfucker, don’t you know it.” Smith drove into traffic and Bianchi hit him with the police car, ending the chase.

Even with dashboard camera footage, what followed the chase is not entirely clear. In the video, Stockley and Bianchi are seen approaching the Buick. Stockley appears to have his weapon drawn. He leans into the car to talk to Smith and there seems to be some kind of struggle. Stockley then pulls back and fires several shots into the car. In his testimony, Stockley said he saw Smith turning to his right to grab a gun, causing Stockley to fear for his life. After he died, Smith was found to be in possession of a bag of heroin and a handgun.

Stockley then returned to the police car, placing an unauthorized AK-47 in the back seat. In an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Stockley said he carried the gun, despite department regulations, “as a deterrent.”

Stockley went back to Smith’s car, before once again returning to the police vehicle to retrieve something from a duffel bag in the backseat. The prosecution argued that Stockley was grabbing a handgun, which he then planted in Smith’s car. Stockley claimed he was retrieving “Quick Clot,” which is used to stop bleeding.

During the subsequent investigation, Stockley’s DNA was found on the handgun recovered from Smith’s car. Investigators could find no trace of Smith’s, despite Stockley’s assertion that the gun belonged to the victim. Experts cautioned, however, that even though Smith’s DNA is not present, it’s impossible to say with certainty he had not touched the gun.

Presiding over officer Stockley’s trial on murder charges, Judge Terry Wilson acquitted Stockley, observing that the entire episode was on video, with no opportunity for Stockley to plant a gun. The judge added,

        “An urban heroin dealer not in possession of a firearm would be an anomaly.”

The inference being clear, that Stockley was legitimately in fear for his life having already been led on a high speed chase by a heroine dealer on parole - Smith was very likely to continue to resist arrest in any way that he could rather than go to jail - the misreading of a quick movement could likely mean death.

St. Anthony Lamar Smith’s daughter is a millionaire for his martyrdom.

Nevertheless, the St. Louis board of Alderman passed a resolution to officially honor Anthony Lamar Smith.

Ibid. Moreover, in February 2012, a wrongful death and civil rights suit was filed on behalf of Smith’s daughter, then one year old, against the St. Louis Police Board and Jason Stockley. The family was ultimately awarded a $900,000 settlement.

In 2013, Stockley was given a 30-day suspension for carrying the unauthorized AK-47 on duty. Shortly after he resigned from the St. Louis Police Department and moved to Texas where he began a management job at an oil company.

Blacks along with the “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa” have rioted throughout St. Louis and surrounds for a week, making rounds to different sections, vandalizing businesses, even attacking the mayor’s house.

TPC, 23 Sept, hour 2: Sean Bergin comprehensively explains what has been going on in St. Louis in recent days involving the police and Black Lives Matter criminals.

Hour 3: Sam Dickson and retired police officer Jim Lancia discuss the so-called “Antifa” street thugs.

.....just admit it, you can’t live with them.

Separatism is the first step, separatism is the ultimate aim, separatism is always possible.

Russia’s Geography Problem

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 18 September 2017 07:43.

Related Story: European & Asian Regional Alliance

Who are the White nationalists and Antifa?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 17 September 2017 13:20.

ABC, “Who are the white nationalists and Antifa? Part 1”, 19 Sept 2017:


Waiting game: In a north Italy migrant camp; ‘one thing is clear above all, we are not going back.’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 16 September 2017 08:07.

The Expecting Game

This statement is from Marco Panzetti: “We Are Not Going Back”...

During the summer of 2015, in the context of the largest refugee crisis since World War II, the flow of migrants reaching Italy by boat and headed overland for northern Europe is abruptly interrupted by the closure of the French border on June the 8th 2015. Within a few days, near the Italian border town of Ventimiliglia, a crowd of 200-300 migrants is formed. On June the 11th the Italian police attempts to forcibly deport them. Many resist and take shelter on the rocks, creating a makeshift camp a few meters from the posh French Riviera town of Menton.

Among infinite dreams, stories, hopes and uncertainties, one thing is clear above all: nobody is going back.

This image of a pregnant African woman is Not by Marco Panzetti… but he begins his photo essay at The BBC similarly, with a silhouette of an African woman at a north Italian refugee camp….

The BBC sets an image here, beginning a series of them by Panzetti, showing Africans in a north Italy migrant camp…

Caption, “Life goes on: Mohamed Fatima from Mali, who is pregnant, is waiting for her case to be processed so she can move on from Fenoglio camp.”

BBC, “The waiting game: Life in a north Italy migrant camp”, 16 Sept 2017:

About 100,000 people have arrived on Italian shores this year, after making the perilous journey across the Mediterranean from Libya.

They are joining many thousands more asylum seekers and migrants already in the country - many stuck there after other European countries closed their borders.

About 450 of them can be found in the Fenoglio camp, outside Turin, which is run by the Italian Red Cross.

It is supposed to be a transit camp, from where migrants are quickly transferred to reception centres - but the logjam in the system means many end up spending months here.

Photographer Marco Panzetti met the inhabitants of the camp on behalf of the Red Cross….


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